\�猁訧蹋.exe is infected with PWS-QQRob Trojan.  The file was successfully deleted.

An interesting detection via our VirusScan Alert Manager this afternoon. I must say that I haven’t seen this one before, although it was first detected back in 2005 (2005-Feb-25).

The file F:\笭猁訧蹋.exe is infected with PWS-QQRob Trojan.
The file was successfully deleted.

My feeling is that this Trojan password stealer would be targeted at Tencent QQ Messenger users. Being the most popular free IM program in China this would still give you a pretty big target base.

I cannot find any information that outlines if it only targets QQ or if it is a generic password stealer.

[1] PWS-QQRob [NAI]
[2] ThreatExpert’s Statistics for PWS-QQRob [ThreatExpert]

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