This week’s links (2024-04-21)

In brief:
🏛 Netanyahu’s office hosts emergency talks on feared ICC warrants for PM, ministers (2024-Apr-19) [Times of Israel]
🌳 Aerial video shows mass coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef amid global heat stress event – video (2024-Apr-16) [The Guardian]
🌳 Incomplete nature reforms leave our environment dangerously exposed (2024-Apr-16) [Climate Council]

🌳 From bird baths to rocks, seven things people put in their gardens to help wildlife, and how well they work (2024-Apr-23) [Biodiversity Council Australia]

❝ While all seven feature types were used by wildlife during the study, water sources were used more frequently compared to shelter sites, with bird baths being the most commonly utilised wildlife-friendly structure …
For structures that were already present in gardens when the project began, citizen scientists completed 179 surveys of 23 ponds and 1513 surveys of 119 bird baths. Bird baths were used by birds on 53% of surveys, while ponds were used by animals on 45% of surveys. In comparison, artificial refuges such as reptile shelters, frog hotels and nest boxes were used on less than 20% of inspections. ❞

🌳 Labor’s broken promise on environment protection laws (2024-Apr-20) [The Saturday Paper]

❝ Scathing independent assessments of the Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation (EPBC) Act, amid mounting evidence of biodiversity loss and habitat destruction, have presented the Albanese government with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen Australia’s environmental framework. This week’s announcement that the government is only advancing parts of its promised package, however, suggests it is choosing instead to walk back its commitments to deliver the necessary overhaul. ❞

❝ Nature is in crisis. The 2021 “State of the Environment” report declared, in no uncertain terms, “the general outlook for our environment is deteriorating”. The condition of rivers, reefs, wetlands, soil, native vegetation and biodiversity is continuing to decline, while the number of plant and animal species listed as threatened or endangered increases. Australia has lost more mammal species than any other continent, has one of the highest rates of species decline in the developed world, and is the only developed country that is a deforestation hotspot. Climate change is compounding damage from deforestation, invasive species, pollution and urban expansion.
This poor environmental scorecard is due largely to Australia’s broken Commonwealth environmental law. Professor Graeme Samuel’s review of the EPBC Act, delivered to government in October 2020, painted a dire picture of a dysfunctional legal framework lacking integrity and in need of fundamental reform. He found a lack of public trust in the act’s ability to protect nature, stemming from poor transparency, inadequate opportunities for community participation in decision-making and approval processes, limited pathways for legal review, and perceptions of poor accountability for government decisions. ❞

📄 Australia state of the environment 2021 [Commonwealth of Australia]

🏛 Subject: Violence against women (2024-Apr-19) [Press conference – Melbourne, Attorney-General’s portfolio]

❝ ATTORNEY-GENERAL MARK DREYFUS: There is a crisis of male violence in Australia. It’s a scourge on our society and it must end. We have to do more. We know we can do more. We’ve done a lot in the last few years. I think there’s been a change in the way in which society thinks about the issue of family violence but we’ve got to do more.

JOURNALIST: Even looking around that room I can see more women. How do you see men taking a bigger role in addressing this?

ATTORNEY-GENERAL: I think by men in positions of leadership, and you’re starting to see that, calling it out, and by men everywhere in society, acknowledging that this is a problem for men. That we have to talk to our sons, we have to talk to our colleagues. We’ve got to acknowledge it as a problem for men. ❞

🏛 Rape Culture Pyramid (2018-Sep) [11th Principle: Consent!]
Version 5 Created by Jaime Chandra & Cervix (CC BY-NC-SA)
A graphic titled “Rape Culture” that has a triangle with words and a background gradient of darker red at the top peak, orange in the center, and yellow at the bottom. On the side of the pyramid is an arrow and 3 works, explaining the the gradient. Normalization leads to Degradation which leads to Assault. The text under the pyramid explains the relationship: “Tolerance of the behaviors at the bottom supports or excuses those higher up. To change outcomes, we must change the culture. If you see something, say something! Start the conversation today.” The words inside the pyramid, starting with the top and most severe: Rape, Drugging, Molestation, Stealthing (Covert Condom Removal), Contraceptive Sabotage, Victim Blaming & Shaming, Coercion/Manipulation, Threats, Revenge Porn, Safe Word Violations, Groping, Non-Consensual Photo or Video, Flashing & Exposing, Unsolicited Nude Pics, Catcalling, Unwanted Non-Sexual Touch, Stalking, Sexist Attitudes, Rape Jokes, Locker Room Banter.
“Rape Culture Pyramid” by 11th Principle: Consent!, used with permission from Jaime Chandra, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA

❝ Tolerance of the behaviours at the bottom supports or excuses those higher up. To change outcomes, we must change the culture.
If you see something, say something! ❞


Autumn fungi

❝ (Violence against women) That we have to talk to our sons, we have to talk to our colleagues. We’ve got to acknowledge it as a problem for men. ❞

— Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus
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