This weeks links (2008-06-02)

Mac OS X 10.6 code named Snow Leopard, may be pure Cocoa
The next version of Mac OS X is code-named “Snow Leopard,” and will indeed be Intel-only, we have learned. This info is hot on the heels of TUAW’s original scoop about Mac OS X 10.6 being readied for shipment as soon as Macworld 2009 and being Intel-only. — (2008-Jun-04) ars technica

UrbanTakeover is an alternate reality game in your city.
urbantakeover is a game in your city and on the internet.
Conquer your city by tagging spots with your stickers.
Claim new spots or cross other players to beat the highscore.

You claim spots/territory by putting up stickers (in real life) and sending us a text message or entering the address on the website.

Marshalite traffic signals on BoingBoing gadgets!
In 1936, Australian civil engineer Charles Marshall designed an analog, rotary traffic signal that was widely used up until the 1970s. I love the elegance: it’s simply a one-handed clock that quickly sweeps through color-coded green, yellow and red signals. It also has the advantage of conveying to drivers exactly how much time they have to fiddle with the tape deck, apply lipstick in the rear view mirror or verbally abuse their spouse before the drivers behind them lean on the horns.Charles Marshall’s colorful, analog traffic signal (2008-JUN-02) [BoingBoing gadgets]

Wow! I have always been wrapped by these lights. There is a set in the Mount Chelsea park lands as a working pedestrian crossing. You can just see their shadows in the google map photos. There is also a photo of the Mt Chelsea set on the web site. The “walk/do not walk” labels were fitted for their function as the pedestrian crossing and are not part of the original design.

The Marshalite is a form of rotary traffic signal that was designed by Charles Marshall in 1936. It consists of two rotors pointing at coloured sections that denoted whether traffic in either direction should proceed, prepare, or stop. Variations exist for pedestrian crossings with additional text instructing crossers to “Walk” or “Don’t Walk”. The last Marshalite to exist before they were removed in the 1970s was along the Nepean Highway, in Victoria, Australia. — Wikipedia

Weezer – Pork and Beans :: Meme central!
How many memes can you identify in Weezer’s Pork and Beans?

The Weezer video crams in roughly 30 memes, with original performances by internet celebrities.

Steampunk in computer gaming
Steven Sanders, artist of the critically acclaimed Five Fists of Science comic that draws on these themes, talked to us about why this art style is so attractive.”Steampunk tends to have a bit of the bright-eyed, idealistic view of the uses of technology that was in, say, the 20s through the 50s, only dealing with tech that doesn’t already have a negative stigma,” he recently told Ars. “People aren’t concerned about steam engines destroying the environment, or a Difference Engine gaining consciousness and turning against mankind or something… I guess it’s sci-fi without the social anxiety that started creeping in during the sixties.”
The memories of our future: Steampunk in gaming (2008-May-28 ) [ARS Technica]

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