This weeks links (2011-05-16)

In brief:
* Google’s latest revolution: fixing the ‘broken’ PC (2011-May-12) [The Age]
The new web-centric PCs made by Samsung and Acer – dubbed “Chromebooks” – were announced at Google’s I/O event overnight.
The computers, which boot in seconds, will be available in the US and Europe next month.

* How to Create a Radio News Bulletin (2011-May-10) [SoundCloud]
You have the script, the music and the voices.Now…all you need are the cliche places to put them !

* An Idiot Abroad S1E01 “China” ★★★
Catch up TV – OneHD – Karl Pilkington is worried about eating toad, developing a taste for toad and finally craving for toad back in England but not being able to find it anywhere!

* Real sport, real sportsmanship (2011-May-20) [ABC: The Drum]
Next time you’re watching a batsman waiting for the replay to confirm that he’s out when he knows he is, next time a footballer dives to win a free kick, next time a tennis player hurls a racquet, think about those nine young men, united in grief and dignity, and the hundred and eighty other riders hanging back to give them their moment, unconcerned about the money or the points.
Look at that photo, and think about sportsmanship and how, even though it has disappeared almost entirely, it survives in unusual places.

Some reading/listening:
* H. Beam Piper – Little Fuzzy

* Steampunk – Gatehouse Gazette #18 (May 2011)

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