World’s Speed Record for sailing a bellhop luggage cart

Reading the SANS Handler’s diary this morning to determine what threats are new in cyberspace for today when I stumbled across the following …

 SANS Handlers Make Land Sailing Record Attempt
Dateline- Las Vegas
Written by: An anonymous handler (however, initials are TL) In the windy hallways of the Riveria Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada, the SANS Internet Storm Center Handlers are planning to make an attempt to set the World’s Speed Record for sailing a bellhop luggage cart using a hotel bedsheet as a sail. Unbelievably, it is claimed that the consumption of alcohol is not involved in the attempt, but rather simply some strange combination of geek curiosity and testosterone. We will update the diary with the results of this grand experiment and tell you to which hospital cards and flowers are to be sent.

And how did they go?

 Bellhops and luggage carts and sheets, oh my!
While SANS NS Las Vegas 2004 will remain firmly engraved in many people’s memory, it hopefully won’t be remembered for the record attempt mentioned previously, that eventually failed. We’re happy to report that there were no serious injuries and that all handlers have (apparently) survived unharmed. It should be noted however that the handler attempting the record has not been heard from since just after the attempt when he was seen with several statuesque showgirls. Good luck Tom, wherever you are. 😉

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