This weeks links (2016-10-24)

In brief:

* Our secret project to give women equal media airtime (2016-Oct-24) [SMH]

❝ Next time you’re stopped at the lights, peering down the road at a bus stop or avoiding old magazines in a waiting room, look around.
What you’ll see is modern Australia: an amazing and harmonious mix of men and women from here and around the world. According to the last census, more than a quarter of Australians are born overseas, and another 20 per cent on top of that have a parent born overseas. ❞

* The hidden danger that comes after Donald Trump loses to Hillary Clinton (2016-Oct-24) [Brisbane Times]

* Doctor Who – Christmas Special – Sneak Peek

How to make friends and lose customers:
Pokemon Go : a great concept, an absolutely woeful implementation.
Somewhere to put these quotes so I can find then later.

* Pokemon GO Update: Niantic Remove Spawns And Sightings When Driving; Players Outraged (2016-Oct-16) [iTech Post]
❝Niantic has been rolling out useless after useless updates for Pokemon GO – from push notifications that essentially begs players to keep playing the game to Niantic’s crackdown of third party application scanners when their confirmed plans for their highly requested tracking system are zilch. Now, Niantic has rolled out a new depressing update, one that might affect the majority of avid players in Pokemon GO.❞

* Pokemon don’t spawn at driving speeds anymore (2016-Oct-15] {Go Hub]
❝Niantic is silent… again. There still has been no explanation from Niantic on why this measure was introduced, and this has been one of the biggest issues for the player base. Why aren’t they communicating the changes in advance?❞

* ‘Pokémon GO’s Newest Mystifying Change Erases Spawns And Sightings While Driving (2016-Oct-16) {Forbes]
❝Niantic constantly seems to be shooting themselves in the foot, even as they add in features that definitely are improving the game like buffing capture rates and implementing the buddy system. But going out of their way to erase third party scanners and now intentionally or inadvertently nuking the game’s functionality when you’re going over a certain speed are a pair of ways to get many frustrated players to head for the exits. And adding in new push notifications encouraging players to log in every 45 minutes is not the solution for retention either, I should add.
Hopefully this ends up being a bug that can get resolved, but if not, it’s time for Niantic to listen to their community and revert this change back to the way things used to be. Otherwise, they’re only continuing to hand out excuses for beleaguered players to give up completely.❞


* Top 5 Trail Events for 1st Timers (2016-Oct-26) [The Long Run]

❝ Making the transition from the track or road to trail running can be a daunting one. Apart from the increased physical demands of the off-road world, there’s also a whole new wardrobe involved! It’s easy to see why some folks never take the plunge and stick to what they’re use to. So to help get you across we’ve put together a list of our favourite events for you to take your first few steps into the dirty world of trail running. ❞ — The Long Run

* Gritty Truths About Ultra Running (2016-Sep-28) [lululemon athletica]

* Running with Data : Where Data Science meets Endurance Running []
A collection of articles at the intersection between data science and endurance running. Barry Smyth, Professor of Computer Science at University College Dublin.


* Why you should ride your road bike on unsealed roads (2015-Apr-22) [The Climbing Cyclist]

Some reading/listening:

or watching in this case;
* The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young [Netflix]

Something from Bandcamp:

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