This weeks links (2022-10-30)

Trick or Treat? Final score: 3 x 🥕, 3 x 🥔 and 1 x 🍋 taken as treats 🤔
In brief:
🥔 Potatoes For Trick-Or-Treaters Become An Instant Hit In This Neighborhood, People Chime In With The Weirdest Halloween Treats They’ve Seen (2022-Nov-04) [boredpanda]
🌳 40 years ago, protesters were celebrated for saving the Franklin River. Today they could be jailed for months (2022-Oct-31) [The Conversation]
🌳 Murray crayfish in NSW ‘walk out of the river’ as flooding sucks oxygen from water (2022-Oct-31) [The Guardian]

🐘 Mass migration from Twitter is likely to be an uphill battle – just ask ex-Tumblr users (2022-Nov-03) [The Conversation]

❝ The decentralized, open source social network Mastodon gained over 100,000 users in just a few days, according to a user counting bot. ❞


🌳 No wonder Bear Grylls is so fit! Being a scout ‘is good for you’: Ex-members of child activity clubs end up healthier as adults, study finds (2022-Oct-26) [Daily Mail]

❝ As children, being a Scout or Guide famously taught you to be prepared.
Now it seems the benefits last a lifetime, with former members of the children’s club found to be healthier in middle age.
Children who participated in these organisations were around 35 per cent more likely to report excellent health at age 50 compared to their peers, a study found.
Experts believe the combination of active lifestyles and greater social mobility from these groups would be a cost effective way of improving the health of the population. ❞

📄 Youth organizations, social mobility and health in middle age: evidence from a Scottish 1950s prospective cohort study (2022-Oct-26) European Journal of Public Health, ckac144,

🌳 VicForests to pay $1.65m to Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum after court case (2022-Oct-31) [The Guardian]

❝ VicForests has paid $1.65m in court costs to environment group Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum, bringing a five-year legal matter to a close. Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum had challenged logging by the state-owned forestry corporation in 66 coupes in Victoria’s central highlands. ❞

❝ [the appeal judgment demonstrated the EPBC Act was not fit for purpose ] It neither protects the environment nor conserves biodiversity from logging in publicly owned forests despite the presence of federally listed threatened species.
Further, we succeeded in proving the logging was being conducted illegally under state law and those findings withstood VicForests’ most determined appeal. ❞
— Steve Meacher, President Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum

🏕️ School camps face the chop because of new teacher pay deal (2022-Oct-29) [The Age]

❝ A new workplace agreement provides government school teachers with hour-for-hour time in lieu for out-of-hours work on school activities including camps, excursions and information nights. ❞

🏕️ Teachers Time In Lieu Guidelines & Joint Communique (2022-Sep-19) [Outdoors Victoria]

❝ … the DET position and guidelines strongly support school camps and outdoor programs as an integral part of student learning and that schools should not be cancelling or significantly varying their programs due to the TIL provisions. […]
The DET has informed Principals that camps and outdoor education experiences should not be cancelled or significantly reduced in response to the new TIL framework and that further support and guidance from the DET is available as required. ❞

🌳 ‘Terrible for the climate’: Victoria’s native logging emissions equivalent to 700,000 cars (2022-Nov-03) [The Age]

❝ Native forest logging in Victoria produces about 3 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year, equivalent to the pollution from 700,000 medium-sized cars or double the state’s domestic aviation sector, research shows.
For the first time, Victoria’s native logging emissions have been calculated and made public. These findings, commissioned by the Victorian Forest Alliance, will increase pressure on the state Labor government to bring forward the industry’s planned 2030 closure. ❞

🧠 New Ways November (2022-Nov) [Action for Happiness]
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